The Invitation to the Gallery U Kozorožce |
Napsal Plazík st. | |
Sobota, 03 říjen 2009 | |
27.4.2004 On Sunday 25th of April passed a private view of an exhibition of professor of Academy of plastic arts and painting, merited artist Vladimir Silovsky. Vladimir Silovsky was born on 11th of July 1891 in Liban village near Jicin town. His father worked as a notary. V.S. was study on a real gymnasium, there he began to paint under the leadership of prof. Bous. After the conclusion of secondary school he was continue study at the Technical High School in Prague in architecture branch, he took part in a course of painting under the leadership of prof. A. Liebscher and the plastic art under the leadership of prof. A. Popp. At the same time he was visited a privet school of painting of K. Raisner. He left Prague for Croatian Zagreb because of his healthy became worse. In Croatia he obtained his first knowledge at graphics technique under the leadership of prof. K.M.Crnic. When his healthy turned into better he returned in Prague and became to study at the Academy of plastic arts and painting under the leadership of prof. M. Schvabinsky from 1913 till 1916. After the conclusion of he was engaged to the Association of graphics artists "Manes". In the 1917 he was among fifteen founders of an Association of Czech graphics artists "Hollar". In the period from 1932 till 1934 he worked as a president of this association. He shared in all kinds of exhibitions in Czech and abroad too. He was successful and got several prizes. In 1925 he obtained a diploma in the International exhibition of decorative art in Paris.In 1937 he received a Gold medal in the International exhibition of art and technique in Paris.In 1939 he obtained a First annual prize for plastic art and painting of Czech Academy of Sciences and Art.In 1940 he was appointed as a full member of Czech Academy of Science and Art.In 1945 he was appointed as a professor of graphics arts in Prague Academy.In 1955 he was appointed as a honourable member of "ACZG Hollar" association.From 1958 till 1960 he worked as a chancellor of Prague Academy of plastic arts a painting .In 1971 he received a head prize of Vaclav Hollar. On 26th of April this year it is thirty years when Vladimir Silovsky died.
The exhibition of his art creation will be continue until 14th of May 2004..
For more informations please click www.monteko.cz/peruc
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